Author: vantagepoint87

Child of Silence

What happens to you my priced?
Here with me now,gone the next
You represent all i am
You are person you are me…
You are ghost,you are gone
My friends call me happy
Then i know you are with me
Gloom comes and you are gone
‘Sad sad sad boy
poor poor young man’
Follow me to my door step
Until such a time when you see it fit
To embrace and adorn me once again
To leave me as soon as  you come
Once again lonely and bare.

As the sunset …so does your voice at times


Nomatter how much a downpour over an open ocean there is always not much noticeable difference ….learn to focus your energy on things you can really change #sundayvibes


I happen to read a book by Chinua Achebe called Anthills of the Savannah the book’s voice has stayed  with me for what is a very long long time :

a tortoise meet a leopard who wants to kill it…he doesn’t want to die right away even though he knows he is out-matched and he has just met his death-a-walking… he request a few moment to do a very strange thing…he starts scratching the ground breaking shrubs throwing the immediate environment all over the place…the leopard is shocked but his intentions remains the same but he is curious to know the meaning of this spectacle…tortoise says ‘…so that who ever passes by here in whatever time will say  a man and his match fought here.’

in the very end he also says in the persona of an anthill ‘…i am the anthill that stays to tell the new grass and shrub and insects of yester-years brush fires…’

Its is my story and your story that matters at the end when life’s shenanigans have come and passed …i will tell it in my voice and never yours . THESE ARE MY STORIES!